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The Beings: Being Lost

Please note: this event will be held in person at Glasgow Zine Library.

What does it mean to create in times of extinction and destruction? What’s the place of art and the artist in the unfolding ecological collapse; how can we be of service? The Beings offer a space to explore how to be in our times. Throughout four workshops, titled and themed; Being Lost, Being Human, Being Capable and Being Sad, we will engage with the work of Donna Haraway, Thom Van Dooren and Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, whose work offers radical ways of thinking about our place in a damaged world. Each session will include an introduction to the ideas and a space to reflect on them. No prior knowledge of these theorists is needed, the workshops are meant to be an accessible and enjoyable exploration of their work.

Week one, Being Lost, is concerned with the loss of language and systems of knowledge across species; plant, bird, human. Using recordings, sound and music, Being Lost aims to create an immersive space where we can consider; how, alienated in this way, we might reorient ourselves, how can we learn to navigate these times?

Unsure what to pay for Pay-What-You-Can events? Find our guide here.

About Rosmarie:

Rosemarie Geary is a writer of fiction and poetry. Her work is profoundly concerned with the climate and ecological crises.

Ticket info:

Please note: we can only issue refunds requested 72 hours before the event.

This event is suitable for ages 16+. There will be 8 attendees maximum, and the event will feature comfort breaks. During this event, participants will be involved in: whole group discussions, reading out loud, reading alone, writing, sound/music

This event will take place at the GZL space on Cathcart Road in Govanhill. There is step-free access to the library and is wheelchair accessible. There is a public toilet but unfortunately the toilet is not fully accessible at this time. The library space also provides tea, coffee, a variety of lighting options and comfort provisions like soft seating, blankets and space heaters.

We will provide hand sanitiser and ask that everyone maintains at least a 1m social distance from other visitors. 

We want you to have a safe and enjoyable time! During your visit, we ask you to:

-Please keep your distance from others

-Use the hand sanitiser provided.

-Wear a face covering if you're over the age of 5

-Please do not visit the library if you or anyone in your household has any symptoms of Coronavirus.

-If you are able to please take a Rapid Lateral Flow test before attending.

When you visit the library we will ask that you scan a QR code to check in with NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect and we may share this information with the service up to 21 days following your visit. 

Please be mindful of the restrictions in place for your local area and adhere to Scottish Government guidelines

If you have any questions or access requirements, please get in touch with us via

If you have any specific access requirements please indicate when reserving a ticket and we will do our best to meet any requests within our limited budget. We are more able to meet requests made at least two weeks in advance. Events may be recorded for access reasons, and we will inform participants if this is going to happen in advance.

All events will adhere to our safer spaces policy, which you can learn about here.

Join the GZL Patreon and support the library on a monthly basis:

By booking a ticket and supplying your email address, you agree to be contacted after this event for feedback purposes on behalf of Glasgow Zine Library. Providing feedback is optional.

How to access the event: 

After booking a ticket, you will be sent several reminder emails from Eventbrite leading up to the event. We will also send emails that share any resources that attendees will need access to, including any required materials.

Please email for any queries or issues.

About GZL:

Glasgow Zine Library is an archive and library based in the Southside of Glasgow. It acts as a growing archive of self-published works, with an inviting and accessible area of reading in the space, as well as running a year-long programme of events to celebrate the ethos of Do It Yourself (DIY) culture.

By booking a ticket and supplying your email address, you agree to be contacted after this event for feedback purposes on behalf of Glasgow Zine Library. Providing feedback is optional. Please see the privacy policy on our website for more details.

Join the GZL Patreon and support the library on a monthly basis:

8 June

Food/Writing 4: The Senses

25 June

Ways of Drawing 2: Memory & Imagination