Please note: this event will be held in person.
Creating from Landscape : Zine Workshop \\ Cruthachadh à Cruth-tìre : Bùth-obrach Zine
Join us for a special workshop exploring the connections between creativity, language, and nature through the art of zine-making. Gaelic culture, language and identity is deeply rooted in landscapes, wildlife, and other natural elements. We’ll express our own interpretations of this connection by creating zines relating to our personal experiences of the world, whether through writing, illustration, or memories – however, we'll mainly be using the accessible medium of collage.
No prior experience with zines or Gaelic is needed – this workshop is open to everyone, regardless of skill level. Come and explore how creativity can awaken language and heritage in new and meaningful ways!
Thigibh còmhla rinn airson bùth-obrach sònraichte a’ rannsachadh ceanglaichean eadar cruthachalachd, cànan is nàdar tro shaoghal nan zine. Ann an cultar na Gàidhlig, tha a’ Ghàidhlig freumhaichte ann an seallaidhean-tìre, beathaichean is eileamaidean nàdarra. Cuiridh sinn an cèill ar beachdan fhèin air a’ chonaltradh seo le bhith a’ dèanamh ar n-eisimpleirean zine fhèin, bho bhàrdachd is dealbhan gu faclan is cuimhneachain pearsanta – ach bidh sinn gu mòr a’ cleachdadh am meadhan ruigsinneach de collage.
Chan fheum thu eòlas ro-làimh air zines no Gàidhlig – chaidh an obair-lann seo a chruthachadh airson a h-uile duine aig gach ìre. Thig agus dèan sgrùdadh air mar as urrainn do chruthachalachd cànan agus dualchas a dhùsgadh ann an dòighean ùra is brìoghmhor!
Unsure what to pay for Pay-What-You-Can events? Find our guide here.
Please note: we can only issue refunds requested 72 hours before the workshop begins.
About Iona:
Iona is an Island-born Highland-based artist facilitator currently in residency at the Glasgow Zine Library, whose creative practise is rooted in storytelling, self-expression, and collective empowerment.
Iona wears many hats in the zine world, but on this occasion is representing the Highland Zine Bothy – Scotland's newest zine library, in a bothy! – and hopes to honour Gaelic language and identity through the session.
Find out more about the Highland Zine Bothy.
Tha Iona na h-ealantaiche à eilean a tha stèidhichte anns na Gàidhealtachdan, agus an-dràsta air cùrsa-còmhnaidh aig Glasgow Zine Library. Tha a cleachdadh cruthachail freumhaichte ann an sgeulachdan, fèin-fhiosrachadh, agus cumhachdachadh coitcheann.
Tha iomadh ad air Iona ann an saoghal nan zine, ach air an tachartas seo, tha i a’ riochdachadh Highland Zine Bothy – an leabharlann zine as ùire ann an Alba, ann am bothan! Tha i an dòchas urram a thoirt don Ghàidhlig agus dhan dearbh-aithne Ghàidhealach tron t-seisean.
Ticket information
There will be 18 attendees maximum, and the event will feature comfort breaks. During this event, attendees will participate in: Group Discussions, Break out rooms / Small group discussions, Hands on activities, Reading, Writing, Sharing work that has been created
This event will take place at the GZL space on Albert Road in Govanhill. You can find directions here.
You may be asked to wear a mask at this event. If you have any questions or access requirements, please get in touch with us via
Find out more about access at GZL events and how to make an access request here.
All events will adhere to our safer spaces policy, which you can learn about here.
GZL pledges to support The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. As part of this pledge we may participate in strikes called in response to the ongoing genocide in Palestine. If this event falls on a strike day and is cancelled, we will work with event leaders to reschedule the event asap. Participants will also have the option of receiving an immediate refund for any ticket purchases and travel booked to attend.
How to access the event:
After booking a ticket, you will be sent several reminder emails from Eventbrite leading up to the event. We will also send emails that share any resources that attendees will need access to, including any required materials.
Please email for any queries or issues.
Support GZL:
Join the GZL Patreon and support the library on a monthly basis.