Telling and Recording Stories of Struggle with Glasgow Housing Struggle Archive

Calling trade unionists and tenant union members with a story to tell!

How can the working class record, document and share the lessons of its own struggles? As well as understanding the importance of telling our own histories, we need access to the skills and equipment that enables us to pass knowledge on effectively.

Come along to three sessions with The Glasgow Housing Struggle Archive to learn oral history training, digitisation, preservation and building an archive collection.

The Glasgow Housing Struggle Archive aims to support both trade unionists and tenant union members to do this through building an archive of housing movements, purchasing equipment for the movement and training people to take this process through themselves.

The last few years has witnessed a resurgence of joint action between housing and labour movements, part of a long tradition in Glasgow – from campaigns around the Rent Act in the 1970s to the leading role of building workers in stopping the sell-off of council housing in the 1950s and the famous coalitions of the 1915 rent strikes.